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VELscope Vx

How many little sores do we find in our mouths?
Dozens? Hundreds?
Most of the time we ignore them, and they simply go away.
But sometimes our mouth will keep a secret.

Our office is proud to offer…

 The VELscope Vx Enhanced Oral Assessment System.


The VELscope Vx helps dental professionals find oral muscosal abnormalities which could include oral cancer.

It helps us to improve our assessment of your overall oral health as well as ensures that the delicate tissues of your mouth are healthy.

It helps in providing early detection from oral diseases, including oral cancer.​

  • Over 10,000,000 examinations have been performed world-wide.

  • Recognized by the World Health Organization.

  • It’s the most powerful tool available for assisting in the discovery of oral abnormalities.

  • No rinses, no dyes, no discomfort

  • 2 minutes is all it takes!

The VELSCOPE Vx is not just for denture wearers.

FREE with every Exam appointment! Book your exam today!

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