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To book a consultation with one of our dedicated staff and see how we can provide help to you or your loved ones, please contact us!

House Calls:

House calls are available upon request for patients in hospital, a long term care facility or would simply be more comfortable having appointments done in their home.


Hour-Wait Repairs!

Have a chipped or broken tooth? Is your denture cracked?

Come enjoy a coffee while you wait for your denture to be repaired.

If you have a tooth that has become detached, bring it with you so we can reattach it! 

Don't try and reattach it yourself with super glue! It's extremely difficult to ensure it's attached in the exact correct place, and the stresses applied through normal everyday use are far too extreme for glue to hold.


Happy Birthday!

Come and see us for a free cleaning and polishing as our birthday gift to you!


Denture Insurance:

A $99 investment today gives you denture coverage for 5 years!

You lose a tooth...we will repair it! FREE

Crack in your denture...we will repair it! FREE
All annual re-care appointments MUST be current to keep denture insurance valid.

(Patient is responsible for the cost of annual re-care appointments).

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